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"I just read the first couple chapters of the second book.  Wonderful...! If you want good reading and stories of people we know or knew, get a copy of Todd's book.  I'm honored to have gone to Rustica and picked up my signed copy...and been greeted by the boys."   ~~Jim

"I have been a fan of your photography and writing for some time.  Your words come from an emotional space that so few ever allow to surface.  Thank you for digging deeply and sharing."   ~~Karen

"Your new book was very entertaining.  All I can say is God Bless your Mother and Father!  I'm sure they were proud of your accomplish-ments after you settled down and matured.  Your Delta years are similar to my growing up years in Fallston.  We would all ride to Rocks State Park on the train once school let out for the year and swim all day.  I am glad I lived in the 50's decade.  As most writers have said, 'those were the halcyon days.'"  

'Settled down and matured???!...a new one that I reckon I earned...thanks.   ~~Carolyn

"If you are a Harford Countian, or just like good books, then please check out my cousin Todd's new book.  It would take me a while to write about Todd.  From the Aegis days, to hanging out with Willie Nelson, to visiting with old friends to let them know they are still cared about.  Todd has a way with words and is an amazing photographer.  He is something else, believe me."   ~~Pat

"Just finished reading your book.  What a fun read, especially knowing many of the people you mention throughout the book.  I found that the parts featuring Del Haven, Sam Spicer, Steve Nelson and the Walden Experiment were so interesting and informative.  I certainly shed some tears reading about the passing of Koda."   ~~Dick

"My neighbor loaned me her copy of your book.  I could not put it was great.  I was so impressed with the letter you wrote to your son, Sam.  That should be published for everyone to read.  It really was loving and so thoughtfully expressed.  Congratulations on your work, and thank you for doing it.  You are an excellent writer."

~~ Dale

"I really enjoyed reading the book and got a kick out of some of the stories you tell.  Your life experiences and the people you talk about in the book gives a clear view of who you are...a man that cares about people, nature and the world with an understanding of how to properly treat each.  If I was in charge of High School/College curriculum, I would make your book "required reading", and maybe, just maybe it would influence some youngsters to be better people."

~~Ralph, Sr.

"I started reading the book last evening and it's hard to put it down! Thank you so so much, it's great and much appreciated.  You truly bring everything to life - you feel like you're there!  So many names and things bring back happy memories, too.  Nostalgia is a wonderful part of growing older."   ~~Ruth

"Todd, I can't stop reading your book!!  Your book parallels my life in so many ways...I know some of your friends, have experienced so, so many of your experiences here at the farm...what a delightful deja vu for me to enjoy...I love your "story telling" write with such great visuals!!  Love it!!  Thank you so much!!!!  I shall treasure this book."   ~~Judy

"...Todd's book of gratefulness and reflection and expression.  Todd, thanks so much for writing.  I am truly enjoying..."   ~~Jade 

"The time of reading a whole book in one sitting is over for me.  That said, your book really suited my reading style.  Almost every story stands alone and can be digested in less than 15 or 20 minutes.  Some of the stories educated me by teaching me new facts about people I have known all my life.  Other stories harkened me back to past times, playing in the pond...I remember Mom telling me that she'd cook whatever we caught...including eels and frog legs...both alive when taken to the kitchen.  I would also have to say that it brought back that I really miss is the smell of fresh cut alfalfa.  It was a wonderful read."    ~~Gene

Stockton Todd Holden's book, "Son You Turn A Good Phrase," was a pleasure to read.  Therefore, I highly recommend this book to fellow readers.  My wholehearted endorsement is a bit of a surprise.


I was told the book was an assemblage of newspaper columns written throughout the previous decades.  The columns had been local, about issues in and around Harford County, Maryland.


The author also mentions he had created a record not just of his life but also one of people he knew:  people who were not famous and would therefore, be unknown to most of his readers.  As a new resident to the state of Maryland I had few expectations as I  began the book.


But as we all know when magic is being significantly conjured it is a great mistake to ignore to the man behind the curtain.  S. T. Holden's book is in the deepest sense lovely pieces of autobiography written over time where time and it's passing are noted, the life lived praised and its disappearances mourned.  Story after story we meet a man who loves his family, his home and land on which his home sits.


And so, chapter after chapter, we move along as S. T. Holden reflects on the sweep of time captured in chosen moments:  a search for a new puppy, the loss of the village post office, the necessities of a stone wall, or the merits of a clothesline.  The activities observed, the people met, all pointedly American, sings out and beyond to the profoundly human.   ~~Susan ​​

If you don't have time to pull up a rocking chair on a wide wooden porch with an ice cold beer in Summer...or a steaming mug of cocoa on a Winter's morn...If you can't quite make it out to your dear friend's porch for some acutely observed and magically unfolding tales, then Todd Holden's books are the next best thing.  Summer Tales and Winter Tales, Autumn and Springtime too, yours to delve into in this series of books that will make you feel that chair rocking gently beneath you, as each story carries you further out.  You'll come for the twists and unexpected turns many of these tales take and you'll stay for the vivid heart you can feel beating in each and every word.  ~~ Donna

I should have emailed you after finishing your book but kept forgetting.  It was Great!  Brought up my childhood hanging at ponds fishing, seeing the turtles and just being a kid.  Once I started reading your book I could not put it down.  Thanks again for your book.

~~ Gene

I'm writing to tell you how very much I am enjoying your book, "Loaded For Bear".  Thank you so much for sharing your colorful stories and the many good memories of the wonderful Harford County that so many of us hold dear to our hearts.  I recall many of the folks that you write about and I especially enjoyed reading the history of the Bel Air Roller Rink.  I spent many Friday nights there.  I say Friday nights, because our mothers would not allow us to go there on Saturday nights because there would be "too many soldiers from the military bases there.  My mother was the only mother in the group who would bring her reading material to the Rink and spend the evening there chaperoning us.  Only now can I understand why her concerns were probably valid.  ~~Susan

Todd, I must say I treasure you.  You are the keeper of old Harford County memories - you are old enough to remember all the old players and young enough to keep making memories.  Keep the stories going - it's important stuff.  You're the best!!!!   ~~Barry

I enjoy your style of writing and I can't wait to finish reading it.


I am in Ocean City this week with my family and I am spending most of my time on the condo balcony, so I am enjoying your book very much.  I had skimmed thru it at home, but I am really getting into it here.  I cannot put it down.  It's the best book I have ever read. Thanks so much!  ~~Fred

Having read Todd's books and having enjoyed them thoroughly, I have come to understand their importance...this importance lies in the truth telling and the historical contents of his stories as well as the humanity deeply portrayed in them...this is a thread that runs throughout each and every one of his stories and which highlights his unique way of seeing his world and the people who reside in it...there are also much-loved animals and creatures who live in this world...he is a man of great depth of feeling and, more importantly, he has this amazing ability to let us become a part of this world, as well, through his story telling.  ~~Pamela

You outdid yourselves!  I just finished the last essay in "Loaded For Bear" and I love it.  Yep, decided to go in order, read down the line as written for some reason - didn't do that with the two others, not sure why.  Really got into the rhythm of the stories unfolding this way.  This speaks to your editing, Pat.  The writing itself seeps into your soul.  What a thing to share with the world - what a talent to wield.  It's not just you who is a lucky guy Bird.  We all are to either know you through these stories you conjure, know you in reality, or best of all, know you both ways.  Mina's forward is magnificent and I plan on telling her so.  
The days around us now are contentious and garish in many ways.  I can't tell you the joy of unplugging at the end of recent wearying days and picking up this treasure.  Like diving into a silent lake at midnight, eventually falling asleep to a quiet song, and the nights when I've been luckiest, your stories become woven into my dreams... Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!!!  Ya Killed it!  I treasure all 3 books, but, yes, this one is your best.  ~~ Donna 

My son asked me why I keep reading your books over and over.  Told him they are great short stories that I relate to - lots of laughing and remembering my childhood.  Of course he doesn't understand, but who cares?  ~~Gene

Loved the stories.  So Beautifully written.  I could feel the love and see Billy Marshall smiling.  Thank you. ~~Nancy (Billy's Sister)

I am really enjoying your book, Loaded For Bear.  My Sister bought it as a gift for my Birthday and I can't put it down.  I plan to purchase the rest of them.  You are a very interesting writer and I love all the Harford County history, particularly the street racers from back in the day.  ~~ Glenn

I keep reading your stories.  You are the last writer that still knows the English language.  ~~Paul

I have read Todd's new book and really enjoyed it.  He has amazing faith and resilience.  I admire his positive attitude...especially when considering the amount of tragedy he has faced in his life.  He must have had a great relationship with his grandmother.   ~~Sue

Best book ever!  I loved reading about people I know and some that I didn't, but got to know through your book.  You amaze me every time I read your writings.  You humanize everyone and there were so many wonderful memories.  Your chapter on Ann was great and I can see why your heart was full and stayed true to her.  Beautiful.  ~~Dianne

Finished reading your book last night.  Thank you.  Your book really suited my reading style.  Almost every story stands alone and can be digested in less than 15 or 20 minutes.  Some of the stories educated me by teaching me new facts about people I have known all my life.  Other stories harkened me back to past times playing in the pond.  I remember my mom telling me she would cook whatever we caught...including eels and frog legs...both alive when taken to the kitchen.  I also would have to say it brought back I really miss is the smell of fresh cut alfalfa.  A wonderful read.  ~~Ed

I know just a little of your woes and troubles.  I have yet to suffer the loss you have endured.  I do know that you are a strong person that treasures your family, and cherishes the memories.  Stay strong my friend as long as you live, they will live on with you.  I admire your writings.  You are an interesting person to know.  ~~Wayne

I love your books!  They take me back in time to when life seemed simpler.  ~~Arlene

You have certainly made your mark in our County by documenting our history both through your lens, and writings.  You have also taken an interest in people throughout your life by really getting to know them and taking time to listen and realizing why they are special and important in their own way.  I know it means so much to them, their families, and all of us.  I truly enjoy your photographs and stories, each time it takes me to a place in my mind far away from life's stresses.  Thank you for everything!  ~~Chad 

Good to read about the people and places in Harford County.  I like your comfortable style - a voice that is secure in its place and times.  It's priceless and appreciated, high praise.~~Chuck

Todd's writing reflects his love for his family, especially Ann, as well as people in general, nature, animals and Rustica.  I really enjoyed reading his stories and reliving my own experiences.  So much parallels my younger years.  I can even substitute names of people in my life for the ones in Todd's stories.  ~~Robert

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